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Online Businesses - Supplement Your Income?

I love the promise of "easy riches" on the internet, whether it's "affiliate" marketing, e-Bay power selling, or qet-rich quick websites, they all hold the allure of little work and 24 hour income. Someone must be making money off of these programs; unfortunately it is not me.Online Businesses

    Rather than simply panning alll of the opportunities, I will try a few to see if they are truly easy and if I can make money!

If it is Almost Free....
My office manager, Chrisitine, has put a firm limit on spending for new Internet businesses. Today, I convinced her that $1.97 is "almost free." (I had to "brown bag" lunch from home!) Everyone has kids, grandchildren, nieces and nephews or has to buy something for some kid somewhere.  Along came ikidsplace.biz
I got a free website, all I have to do is promote it and the money will come flowing in!  The welcome email had grammatical and spelling errors, and it has yet to ask me any information where they will send my money. RJC 4/15/09

Well, I got the online package. The Terms and Conditions say:
We may, from time to time, supplement the information we collect online with outside records (e.g., information from our Strategic Partners or from wireless providers) to enhance our ability to serve you, to tailor our content to you, and to offer you opportunities to purchase products or services that we believe may be of interest to you.

We are able to offer our services to you, in part, based on your willingness to be reached by our third party advertisers. We may sell our user information and/or join together with other businesses to bring selected opportunities to our members. By allowing us to make the information you supply available to these third parties, you are able to receive free information on products and services that may be of interest to you. We will use contact information from your registration data to send you information about our products and services and to keep you informed of our other products and services that may be of interest to you. This information may also be shared with third party advertisers who may contact you by means of e-mail, telephone or other sources of marketing. We do not control, and are not responsible for, the practices of our third-party advertisers..
Oh, no they want my permission to send me SPAM!!!!!
Further on,  they hit me in the wallet:

Membership Fees associated with the Program are monthly. This means you will be billed a monthly fee of $39.95 for your online membership in the Program. 

I thought this was supposed to be a one time fee of $1.97?
Click here for my conclusion!

More Businesses
    Here are some other business ideas I have tried.

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